Accessible To All
Santa Monica must be committed to exceeding the requirements of the American Disabilities Act in every area of our city. From housing to children's playgrounds we need to be an accessible city. I'm proud of our North and South Beach Park accessible children's playgrounds and of the remodeled play areas throughout our city.
The advent of the e-scooter has continued to threaten accessibility on our sidewalks to those who must use wheelchairs to navigate our city. Many seniors have tripped or fallen because of the e-scooters that block sidewalks in our town. A reduction of the amount of permissible scooters is in order as well as more rigorous enforceable standards throughout Santa Monica.
I want our goal to be a fully accessible city that is available to all regardless of ability. That commitment must extend to housing units, offices and businesses in our town. Let's excel in not excluding anyone from accessing every facet of Santa Monica.