Latest updates from the campaign:
Council Votes to Back Prop 36!
After a brief but spirited debate on crime and punishment, the City Council voted 4 to 3 Tuesday night to endorse a statewide measure that cracks down on repeat offenders.
The pro-law enforcement Council majority argued that Prop 36, which is leading in the polls by a large margin, would reverse polices that have for a decade created a revolving door for those who commit drug and retail related crimes.
Safety in Santa Monica
Just last night an SMC employee was shot in a school facility. Two weeks ago, a lunatic stole a knife in Target and seriously stabbed a policeman. Santa Monicans are naturally concerned with safety in our streets. We want to be able to shop unmolested. We want our homes and cars safe from break-ins. We want to be able to take a walk in the neighborhood after dinner unthreatened by mentally-ill individuals.
Homeowners Try to Get Out Urgent Message!
"Santa Monicans Deserve the Truth," reads the one-page flyer being hung on gates and doorknobs and being sent via email. "The SMRR Establishment Slate Will End Single Family Neighborhoods." your news summary here.
Prop 36 News Conference
Santa Monica Mayor Phil Brock, left, listens to a Venice resident after attending a coalition of Los Angeles area leaders and officials announcing their support for Proposition 36 on the November ballot at a news conference in the Venice district of Los Angeles, Monday, Sept. 30, 2024.
Santa Monica Mayor Phil Brock greets the crowd at "Hacking the Timeline".
Santa Monica Mayor Phil Brock greets the crowd at Santa Monica College Center for Media & Design, in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, for the Robert Berman Gallery presentation, Hacking the Timeline. A panel discussion with experts on the study and presentation of contemporary art regarding issues involved with cataloging the diverse history of digital media and Electronic Arts. (Jake Crandall | The Corsair)
Santa Monica Observer Endorses the Safety Slate for City Council: Phil Brock, Oscar de la Torre, John Putnam, and Dr. Vivian Roknian
Huge donations kickstart the final month of campaigning for local office
Huge donations kickstart the final month of campaigning for local office
The Santa Monica Coalition for a Livable City (SMCLC) endorses Phil Brock
The Santa Monica Coalition for a Livable City (SMCLC) endorses Phil Brock
Santa Monica Police Officers Association for a Better Community Endorses Phil Brock
Santa Monica Police Officers Association for a Better Community Endorses Phil Brock
Hochman picks up pair of endorsements from Councilmembers
Mayor Brock adds his endorsement to District Attorney race
Santa Monica Democratic Club, A Clueless Group Supporting a Clueless SMMR Slate
Vote for the Change Slate: Oscar de la Torre, Vivian Roknian, Phil Brock, and John Putnam. This will give the council enough votes to truly change direction. Enough is enough of SMRR, and their SMDC enablers who continue to ignore reality.
Santa Monica Mayor Phil Brock Endorses Nathan Hochman for Los Angeles County District Attorney
“As the Mayor of Santa Monica, I see the failures of the current district attorney on my streets every day,” Mayor Brock said. “We must demand accountability from those who choose to break the law, and Nathan Hochman is the person best qualified to protect our residents from harm. I believe that Mr. Hochman will empower the District Attorney's Office to effectively bring justice that is compassionate and effective in enforcing the laws of our county. I am wholeheartedly supporting Nathan Hochman for Los Angeles County District Attorney to bring safety and justice to our city and county.”
Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce
Santa Monica City Council votes to adjust the city's camping ordinance
Council Bans Sleeping Items in Anti-Camping Law
Mayor Phil Brock concluded, "Our residents are beyond frustrated," he said. "They're fearful of their own city."
City Council tightens anti-camping law
“I look at our residents who are calling me, emailing me when I go in person to see people, they’re frustrated as hell because there are people in their alleys, on their streets and and for whatever reason, whether you could say it’s unjustified or not, they’re fearful of their own city,” he said. “They’re fearful of a place where they came because we had the best climate for them. We had palm trees and a beautiful ocean and great parks, and now they’re afraid to use them. I think we have to have that part of the discussion too. It doesn’t have to be tonight, but that part of the discussion has to be had. How do we have compassion for our residents? How do we have compassion for the small businesses in our city who are afraid to open their damn doors, who have to put buzzers in, who have to have security guards at the entrance of restaurants. This is unprecedented.”
Santa Monica could ban sleeping bags, bedrolls in public areas in crackdown on camping
Santa Monica could ban sleeping bags, bedrolls in public areas in crackdown on camping
Public safety issues dominate City Council candidate forum
Candidate Forum Highlights Deep Divisions
My Agenda for Hope: Overcoming Santa Monica’s Crisis of Spirit
I see and feel a crisis of spirit in the air — a breakdown in order and safety that will continue to spiral out of control as crime, mental illness, and addiction remain untreated. Our resources can only respond to the surface of the problem. Still, because of the political attention this crisis has caused, I know this is our moment to act—because Santa Monica deserves nothing less.
Santa Monica’s Next City Council (SMart Endorsement)
SMart Group endorsement! Re-elect Phil Brock to the Santa Monica City Council
The Blue Wave Democratic Club officially supports the candidacy of Santa Monica Mayor Phil Brock
The Blue Wave Democratic Club proudly supports moderate, pragmatic Democrats across LA County and now officially support the candidacies of:
- Santa Monica Mayor Phil Brock
- Santa Monica Councilmember Oscar de la Torre
- Dr. Vivian Roknian
- Rent Control Board Chairwomen Ericka Lesley
Stop Pretending Long-failed Remedies Will Work
Towards a safer Santa Monica...
Disappointed by Public Safety, Democrats for a Safer Santa Monica Announces a City Council Slate
The coalition is proud to support a slate of four candidates who embody the vision and determination needed to restore Santa Monica's safety and prosperity. The four candidates are: 1) Dr. Vivian Roknian, a long-time resident, oral surgeon, small business owner, and parent; 2) John Putnam, a 30-year resident, a small business owner and parent; 3) Incumbent Mayor Phil Brock and 4) Incumbent Councilmember Oscar de la Torre. Their SLATE is "Democrats for a Safer Santa Monica".
City to continue push for local control over needle distribution program
City to continue push for local control over needle distribution program
Metro TAP-to-Exit pilot starting at Downtown station
Santa Monica considers homeless ban to prohibit pillows and blankets outdoors
Santa Monica considers homeless ban to prohibit pillows and blankets outdoors
New Coalition Endorses Council Slate
Santa Monica considers homeless ban to prohibit pillows and blankets outdoors
Santa Monica considers homeless ban to prohibit pillows and blankets outdoors
‘It’s nothing draconian’ Santa Monica’s mayor says of proposed homeless crackdown
‘It’s nothing draconian’ Santa Monica’s mayor says of proposed homeless crackdown
Police and fire unions endorse incumbents
Public Safety Unions Deal Blow to Establishment Slate, endorse Mayor Phil Brock!
Public Safety Unions Deal Blow to Establishment Slate, endorse Mayor Phil Brock for re-election!
Fire and Police endorse incumbent Mayor Phil Brock for re-election.
Mayor Phil Brock endorsed for re-election to the Santa Monica City Coucnil by both Fire and Police!
California Mayor Just Confirmed What Everyone Has Been Saying All Along
An article from Green Building Elements.com on Downtown Santa Monica. California Mayor Just Confirmed What Everyone Knew All Along
A City at a Crossroads: The Choice for Santa Monica’s Future
A City at a Crossroads: The Choice for Santa Monica’s Future
Council race takes shape with 11 individuals filing for four seats
Council race takes shape with 11 individuals filing for four seats
Council Ballot Shortened by Filing Deadline
Why a tough-on-crime initiative is splitting California’s Democrats
Why a tough-on-crime initiative is splitting California’s Democrats
Council Ballot Expands as 4 Candidates Qualify on Monday
Councilmember Christine Parra will not seek re-election, cites family priorities
Councilmember Christine Parra will not seek re-election, cites family priorities
A Personal Decision -- Councilmember Christine Parra's Full Statement on Not Seeking Re-Election
A Personal Decision -- Councilmember Christine Parra's Full Statement on Not Seeking Re-Election
Council Candidates Begin Returning Qualifying Petitions
Monthly Poll Finds Support for Law-and-Order Candidates
Parra's Candidacy Alters Council Race
Incumbents declare intent to run again
Three Change Incumbents to Run in November
How Newsom's executive order on homeless encampments impacts Santa Monica
How Newsom's executive order on homeless encampments impacts Santa Monica
Housing Element becomes hot topic at local leader gathering
Rash of violence in Santa Monica is a cause for concern by city officials
Rash of violence in Santa Monica is a cause for concern by city officials
Mayor Karen Bass and Mayor Phil Brock Converge on D.C. to Tackle Homelessness Crisis
Mayor Karen Bass and Mayor Phil Brock Converge on D.C. to Tackle Homelessness Crisis
Santa Monica Mayor Phil Brock honored at annual charity celebration
Santa Monica Mayor Phil Brock honored at annual charity celebration
Celebrating Progress: City officials discuss 2023 wins and plans going forward
Celebrating Progress: City officials discuss 2023 wins and plans going forward
Thriving city ‘shines once again’ while leaders focus on top issues
Thriving city ‘shines once again’ while leaders focus on top issues
2024 State of the City: Speech by Mayor Phil Brock
Phil Brock assumes mayoralty of Santa Monica, pledging focus on safety and quality of life
Phil Brock assumes mayoralty of Santa Monica, pledging focus on safety and quality of life
New Leadership: Santa Monica welcomes Mayor Phil Brock
Local’s Night at the Pier will include Mayoral handover ceremony
Local’s Night at the Pier will include Mayoral handover ceremony
Navigating New Horizons: An In-Depth Interview with Santa Monica’s Mayor Phil Brock
Navigating New Horizons: An In-Depth Interview with Santa Monica’s Mayor Phil Brock
Crime in Santa Monica
It seems anymore like not a week goes by without news of a stabbing, shooting, assault, rape or home invasion. And there are undoubtedly countless more less-serious crimes, many of which go unreported. Santa Monica wasn’t like this 10 years ago. Crime continues to get worse and clearly we need to make changes in order to reverse this trend.
Residents Win in 2020, Not Big Money!
Phil Brock, native son and popular local reporter about town, used his name recognition and hometown knowledge to get the most votes. Christine Parra, head of emergency services in Culver City, won with the support of the Santa Monica Firefighters. Oscar de la Torre, a school board member, won with support of parents and former Santa Monica Mayor Bobby Shriver.
Santa Monica Voters Usher in New Era
Santa Monica residents who care about our residents will now be seated at the table of power! Congratulations to my running mates, Oscar de la Torre and Christine Parra.
Change Slate is Elected!
Phil Brock continues to lead all challengers as vote totals trickle in. He is elected!
Brock stays ahead in count!
Ahead after Thursday vote tally, Brock says "Residents now have a seat at the table."
Challengers poised to upend political establishment
Challengers continue to lead incumbents!
Still Breathing (election results update)
I have been fielding everyone's well wishes and congratulations all day. I am humbled that so many have shown your confidence in my campaign for change by casting your ballot to return control of our city council to our residents, rather than developers. As of 4:45 PM November 4th, I maintain a narrow lead over the other candidates. I want to caution everyone that there are more ballots to be counted and the results may change. It has been indicated by the City Clerk that we may have a final vote count by Friday afternoon.
The Santa Monica City Clerk has issued the following update.
"I am providing you the current information I have received from the County after this afternoon’s canvass. The most recent results can be viewed at www.smvote.org as well.
City Council (both 4 and 2 year terms) 2,393
Here is Statement of Votes Cast is now posted on lavote.net website. Here is the direct link: https://lavote.net/docs/rrcc/
- All precincts are reporting.
- Current voter registration 71,970 citywide, 83,873 vote registration for SMMUSD, and 83,804 for SMCC
- LARR/CC will send us the list remaining vote by mail provisionals tomorrow. Canvas still set for Friday."
Council Field Holds Steady
Council field holds steady. Brock continues to lead!
Santa Monica Mirror City Council Endorsements. It’s Time for a Change!
The Santa Monica Mirror issued a strong endorsement this morning for this team of four eminently qualified candidates for Santa Monica City Council. The Mirror endorses 𝑷𝒉𝒊𝒍 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒌, 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒂, 𝑶𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓 𝒅𝒆 𝒍𝒂 𝑻𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐 𝑭𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒂-𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒊 for the four open four-year seats on our City Council.
As a lifelong Santa Monica resident and editor of the Mirror, I am endorsing Phil Brock for Santa Monica City Council because the city needs new local perspectives and deeply invested members of the community willing to deviate from city staff policy recommendations. Groupthink–making decisions in a way that discourages difference–is not how government should be run and generally does not lead to the best decisions. This is why I am voting for Phil Brock. He is a lifelong Santa Monica resident who will be willing to vote against the status quo if the matter before them is not in the best interest of their constituents.
The Internet Must Become a Public Utility
After months of being stuck at home, many Americans know full well that there are three things they can’t live without. Two of them are power and water. The third, I’m sure, will be obvious to all. Internet access.
Santa Monica Observer Endorsement
The Santa Monica Observer wrote a strong endorsement of my campaign for Santa Monica City Council this week. Read it here:
Spurious Charges Against Santa Monica City Council Candidate Phil Brock
Once again, Joel Koury has filed a baseless complaint against me. Mr. Koury falsely alleges that I have failed to properly register my business with the City and that I am illegally utilizing a rent-controlled apartment. There is no basis for these complaints.
My 92-year-old mother owns the apartment building on 12th Street. She inherited this building from her mother, my grandmother. My mother has lived at this location for almost 75 years. I am at my apartment at the building daily – in part to care for my mother and in part to attend to my business which I conduct there. I pay rent to my mother for the apartment and have always done so.
Mr. Koury also appears suspicious of the number of Phil Brock for Council signs at this location. Mr. Koury will have to take this issue up with my mother, who has them posted in her window.
Loa Angeles Architects Imagine Homeless Housing Solutions
Los Angeles Magazine asked top local architects for bold solutions to L.A.’s homeless crisis. Here’s what they came up with.
Let's Fight This Battle Together!
This is my contract with each of you as I seek to become your Santa Monica City Council Person. Take a few minutes, read my pledge, and then volunteer, contribute, display a lawn sign, and above all VOTE!
The Santa Monica Conservancy Candidate Questions and Answers
The Santa Monica Conservancy posed three questions to City Council candidates. Here are the answers.
Anti-Semitic Caricature Used by Opponents of Michael Dell
There was an “attack” ad featuring a caricature of Michael Dell, owner of the Fairmont Miramar Hotel, in the Santa Monica Daily Press on Saturday, September 26th. It was placed by an anti Miramar Hotel group. I have seen the disgusting and reprehensible antisemitic image used in the hit piece and am utterly repelled by the tactics being used here. I oppose the Miramar Hotel project as currently configured (but am not opposed to a sensible remodel) but no matter one’s position on the project, Santa Monica cannot be the venue for such public bigotry, and this has no place in our public (or private) discussions.
I join California State Assembly Member Richard Bloom’s call for the backers of this ad to disavow it.
City Council Incumbents Lead Campaign Contributions
Phil Brock has raised the most money out of any challenger with $14,425 in campaign donations. He is running on an anti-incumbent “change” slate for City Council.
League of Women Voters Candidate Forum
The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica held a candidate forum on Wednesday, September 23rd via Zoom. Here's the video.
America Needs Faster Internet and Santa Monica Needs Its Own Broadband Utility
Santa Monica is not rural but many students and seniors do not have affordable access to Broadband service in our town.
The pandemic is transforming how Americans use public libraries, parks, and streets — and it's depriving vulnerable people of space when they need it
Pandemics and concerns about health have a long history of shaping cities, particularly outdoor spaces like parks
Daylight Saving Time Should Be Permanent. The Pandemic Shows Us Why
COVID-19 maintains a stranglehold on American life, ensuring that fall 2020 will be anything but normal. Pandemic restrictions have left our nation grappling with a severe economic recession alongside a growing mental health crisis. While there’s no panacea for these problems, one simple step by Congress could help alleviate the pain: Passing federal legislation to make daylight saving time (DST) permanent.
New Climate Change Maps Show a Transformed United States
Climate change is real and the effects on on our descendants profound. Take a look at how heat, fires, and humidity will effect part of our country within fifty years.
Give Everybody the Internet
I’ve called for free basic internet for all Santa Monicans and a municipal broadband utility. Here is an outstanding article on creating municipal broadband in our town and the reasons why we should take the plunge
A Clean Slate (SMart endorses Brock and Team!)
The SMart Group's Santa Monica City Council Endorsements. We enthusiastically endorse Phil Brock, Christine Parra, Oscar de la Torre, and Mario Fonda-Bonardi. These four deserve your support!
Public Safety is Suspect in Santa Monica!
In the Santa Monica Democratic Club debate on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, the five incumbents insisted there is very little crime in Santa Monica. Our city is the safest it has ever been, the five incumbents stated as a question about public safety was broached. We are much safer than we were twenty years ago, stated one councilperson. Another said that she felt safe walking around our parks at night. We are as safe as can be was the conclusion of the incumbents.
Listening to them on the virtual stage, you would feel that we are "lollipops and sunshine safe." However, I see things differently. Random assaults, robberies, burglaries, automobile parts thefts, bicycle thefts, and more are endemic in Santa Monica. Battery happens at regular intervals on our streets, and as you look at the crime statistics in our town, crime has skyrocketed over the past four years. Councilmember Davis accused me of "cherrypicking statistics" when I said that crime had risen.
All in all, the incumbents "pooh-poohed" the black and white statistics of high crime. Safewise published its latest statistical analysis of crime in our seaside city and noted that Santa Monica is the 227th safest city in California. We're just below San Francisco and slightly above Stockton and Oakland. Wouldn't we all prefer to be in the top 50 safest cities? Instead, Santa Monica is at the bottom! Here is the link to the results they published. https://www.safewise.com/blog/safest-cities-california/?fbclid=IwAR29dQ5N42nNJm84Za-K7oT78KMd1tmQl4tZEEK_fVmm3upOAF-Ryxlo8zo
It's hard to fight crime if you pretend there isn't any. Had enough? It's time for a change. BrockTheVote.org
Slow Growth Backs Brock and Two Change Candidates for City Council
Blasting incumbents for ushering in "unsustainable growth" and pushing the City into "financial chaos," a prominent slow-growth group on Tuesday announced it will back three challengers in the race for four full-term Council seats.
SMCLC Endorses Santa Monica City Council Candidate Phil Brock
We need competent leadership who will work for Santa Monica’s residents and small businesses, not for the special interests who contribute to Councilmembers’ campaigns. We wholeheartedly ENDORSE Phil Brock for City Council who will go to work immediately for ALL Santa Monicans.
Where are the Investigations?
Pandemic Mask Enforcement
Budget Reform and the New Normal
Now is the time to Launch Real Reform of Our City’s Financial Management!
Let Market Forces Conquer the Housing Battle
SM Mirror columnist Tom Elias weighs in on California’s “housing” crisis. Market forces should be allowed to work out our housing imbalance without government intervention for the next few years.
Brock on Your Block (Neighborhood Jazz)
Phil stops by a Saturday morning neighborhood jazz concert in the north of montana area of Santa Monica on this episode of Brock on Your Block
Two candidates withdraw from City Council race, will support Phil Brock
Two Santa Monica City Council candidates withdraw from race, throw support to Phil Brock
Shopping Malls Can Become Low-Cost Housing
As area shopping malls fail could they be turned into low-coat housing? After all, adaptively reusing existing buildings is the best way to be sustainable.
Two Candidates Withdraw, Throw support to Brock and ticket
Candidates Gomez and Browning withdraw from campaign, throw support to Phil Brock and election ticket
Losing Our City
Our City’s Future Is Slipping Out of Our Hands… Unless We Pay Attention
Op-Ed: Mentally ill people in desperate need of treatment often don’t get it because of an antiquated law
You can’t spend time on the streets of any large city in California and not ask this question: Why do so many of our most vulnerable, severely mentally ill Californians not get the care they so urgently need? Read this op-ed.
Brock Heads Community Slate to Challenge Incumbents
Brock, de la Torre, Parra, and Fonda-Bonardi team up to challenge incumbents
Brock on Your Block: It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
On his daily long walks during the pandemic, Phil Brock finds wonderful settings his neighbors have created to delight all who pass by in the latest Brock on Your Block.
Room To Breathe! (Phil Brock for SMart)
A longtime resident, “We no longer have any sense of community, and we have lost our sense of being a seaside town.” Read Phil Brock’s op-Ed for SMart in the SM Mirror.