Santa Monica is an active city. We're the popular kid on the block. And, yes, we have issues. Here are my views on some that affect all of us. Check back often as I'll add more of my thoughts as time advances and the issues in Santa Monica evolve.
A Statement of Purpose
I am pro-resident, pro-local business, pro-safety. That’s pro-Santa Monica. Read More
My Agenda for Hope: Overcoming Santa Monica's Crisis of Spirit
I see and feel a crisis of spirit in the air — a breakdown in order and safety that will continue to spiral out of control desperation as crime, mental illness, and addiction remain untreated. I know this is our moment to act—because Santa Monica deserves nothing less. Read More
Public Safety is Job One!
I believe our communal public safety is the most fundamental role of our city's public officials. It is the top job of every City Councilperson and Mayor around the world. Your safety is my top priority. Read More
Rent Control
Rent Control is a lifesaver!
Read MoreThe Bergamot Station Arts Center
For Bergamot: Art & Commerce or just Commerce?
Read MoreSanta Monica Bay
A Clean Ocean!
Read MoreAccessible To All
A Commitment to Universally Accessible Design!
Read MoreSustainability
As a city, we must work hard to be sustainable - for our children, grandchildren, and their children.
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Preserve Existing Housing. Protect Our Diversity!
It is time we say enough is enough to nameless, faceless buildings that replace reasonably priced housing and force our seniors and longstanding diverse population to flee our town.
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Homelessness in Santa Monica
We, along with most of Los Angeles County, are in a crisis of homelessness that threatens the fabric and thread of our community. The resources we have are never enough and the methods needed to address the magnitude of the daily crisis on our streets exist within the federal, state, and county bureaucracy and laws. Santa Monica cannot effectively address this humanitarian crisis, caused by addiction, mental health, and the affordable housing crisis nationwide by ourselves. On top of which we always need to prioritize the businesses who choose to operate their businesses in our city and, of course, show compassion to our residents. Read More
Expose the Richness of Santa Monica's History!
Santa Monica has a rich and layered history, beginning thousands of years ago, that is worth telling. Let's expose our city's history. Beach culture began here, the film industry is omnipresent, and scores of talented people have lived here. Read More
Volunteer City Commissions and Boards
Our residents volunteer on Commissions and Boards to help guide our city. They listen to you. Let's listen to them! Read More
Every Child Should Be Able to Swim!
Our Parks Are Our Lungs!
Santa Monica suffers from a green space deficit. We are an incredibly dense city and our parks are vital to our residents! Read More
The Senior Community
Our Seniors are a vibrant part of Santa Monica. Let's treat them with dignity, respect, and care. Read More
Our businesses must thrive!
My objective is to bring balance and scale back to Santa Monica’s business community and, by extension, our resident community. Creating a robust and diverse commercial environment scaled to the city diversifies revenue risk and creates the heightened sense of belonging and identity that are essential elements to a vibrant and healthy city for new arrivals, families and long-term residents.
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