Still Breathing (election results update)
I have been fielding everyone's well wishes and congratulations all day. I am humbled that so many have shown your confidence in my campaign for change by casting your ballot to return control of our city council to our residents, rather than developers. As of 4:45 PM November 4th, I maintain a narrow lead over the other candidates. I want to caution everyone that there are more ballots to be counted and the results may change. It has been indicated by the City Clerk that we may have a final vote count by Friday afternoon.
The Santa Monica City Clerk has issued the following update.
"I am providing you the current information I have received from the County after this afternoon’s canvass. The most recent results can be viewed at www.smvote.org as well.
City Council (both 4 and 2 year terms) 2,393
Here is Statement of Votes Cast is now posted on lavote.net website. Here is the direct link: https://lavote.net/docs/rrcc/
- All precincts are reporting.
- Current voter registration 71,970 citywide, 83,873 vote registration for SMMUSD, and 83,804 for SMCC
- LARR/CC will send us the list remaining vote by mail provisionals tomorrow. Canvas still set for Friday."